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Monday, March 14, 2011

Now you can easily buy all my cook books online!

I know most of you would have one or two copies of my cook books. Thank you for your ardent support.

The good news is that you can now buy more copies of my cook books to add to your collection or give as gifts to your loved ones at MPHOnline - Malaysia's largest book store. Just click on this link http://www.mphonline.com/offers/danielgreen.aspx and you will find my story, my video and my books. This is a one stop center where all my cook books are presented and is available for sale.

To-date, I am humbly proud that I have authoured six cookbooks. Nothing gives me more pleasure than to share my knowledge with you on healthier ways to manage food. I have done this in all my television programs but nevertheless, cook books enable me to  share more  and  is still the best to have handy as good reference. 

Health is wealth like the Chinese often say.   I love food and I am passionate about good food.  I don't believe in diet. There's no point being thin but unhealthy!  I personally uses all these recipes at home when I entertain or cook for my loved ones everyday. And it's the food that I eat everyday and I am the  liviing proof that it does work  either to loose weight or to manage weight healthily. You'd probably knew that I was an overweight teenager and I spent a good length of time investigating healthier ways to dish up my favourite foods and I share it all here in my cook books.

You will find all my recipes are based on popular food around the world but I present my way of  the healthier version - be it the way it is cook or the ingredients I use. One thing for sure, all the ingredients are very easy to find and to buy. You would be pleasantly surprised that some of these recipes are adopted in my program for the prestigious Royal Dutch airlines, KLM and many of the premium luxury hotels that I have been invited as  Guest Chef over the years. With my cook book, you can easily cook up these dishes in the comfort of your very own home and enjoy with your family.

If you are an avid cook, you will find interesting ideas to dish up a healthy meal. If you have never cook before, I am confident that my cook book will inspire you to take up cooking because it's really easy and simple to do.

Healthy Dining for Life is my latest release. This book provides you ideas on food that you can indulge anytime of the day. It's all based on my philosophy of simple and easy-to-do recipes that you can just whipped up in just minutes and yet, full of flavour and enticing to the eyes. I hope you will enjoy the recipes presented on this book.

Apart from MPHonline, you will find some of my cook books are also available on Amazon.com and shopnbc.com. Just do a search on my name and you will find it. 

The best thing I love about my work is that it allows me to travel far and wide. That's where I get my inspiration and to bring you interesting food from around the world but always made in my healthy, simple and easy-to-do  version and tasty too! I will be authoring more cook books and I will announce when it is due for release worldwide. Meanwhile, Happy Cooking!

If you need more information on my cook books, please do not hesitate to contact my brand agent, vivien.lee@themodelcook.com.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How to loose the kilos without depriving yourself of your favourite foods!

Book launch at Tangs Singapore
Thanks to my passion in cookery, I get to travel and meet people of all ages and from all walks of life. One question that I am often ask is  "how to loose the kilos without depriving yourself of your favourite foods?". 

If you don't already know me, I am a television cook - specializing in healthy eating.  I was once an overweight teenager and I'd remember how miserable I was to be fat.  I love food and I'd realised that I was picking on the wrong foods and the portions. It started at the age of 13, my weight just went up and up and I always needed to buy jeans with one size bigger. At the age of 18,  I decided that I had to do something about it and one thing for sure, I don't want to deprive myself of my favourite meals and treats.

I then started educating myself about eating, nutrition and its biological implication. I went on a low fat regime and adapted my favourite food to a low fat healthy alternative. Through this, I lost 30 kilos and have kept  the fat off ever since without hitting the gym nor undergo a stringent diet program.

We all know that there are many kinds of diets that one can go on, and these may work for some but for others, these diets may not be practical nor sustainable. More so, there are too many diets that get the weight off so fast that it is impossible to sustain.

Through my personal experiences, diets generally do not work. Why? Because they restrict you; they tell you never to touch this or that.

What does that create? Bingeing.

My way is to eat sensibly and well every day with time off for a little indulgence now and again. I have found making small changes over time will make big differences, and it will be something you can maintain without too much of a struggle.

The philosophy that underlies my recipes is that "You can have great food without having the extra fats and calories". Through the years, I have learned to master simple and easy to do recipes.  I have personally used these recipes  to shed those kilos and I have made it my mission to share with as many people as possible to help educate people about food and to help them loose those extra kilos.

Miso Salmon -Chef Daniel's signature dish on KLM
Above all, I believe food must be exciting and tasty. I get to demonstrate my techniques and ideas to viewers all over the world through my television programs and my cookbooks. With my recipes, my viewers will be able to enjoy all their favourite foods and lose weight.

For starters, the easiest thing to do is to buy my cookbook. It will show how great food can be tasty that happens to be healthy. It will also show you how easy it is to cook up a healthy tasty meal with my fuss-free recipes that would inspire you to do more home cooking!

Today, Chef Daniel Green has authored 6 cook books (Green's Cuisine, Green's Green, Healthy Eating for Lower Cholesterol, World Dining for Life, Modern Dining for Life and Healthy Dining for Life). The 5th book - Modern Dining for Life has recently been awarded as "2010 The Best Television Celebrity Cookbook (Singapore)" by Gourmand International - World Gourmand Cook book Awards" and is available in all major bookstores. Price SGD 32.00 (excl. gst). For more information, please contact vivien.lee@ themodelcook.com.