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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

It's the festive season - which means more parties, brunches, dinners...

As an advocate on healthy eating, and one who has successfully shed the weight and kept it off through eating healthily, people always asked me for tips on managing weight (be it loosing or maintaining it). 

Festive season is always about indulgences into one's favourite food. Thereafter, one worries about how much weight they will add on after the parties over.  All the should and shouldn't haves and so that's how the story goes...

New Year eve celebration in particular, is all about eating out at the best pick restaurant with their loved ones. I believe it's the same the world over.

One can certainly treat themselves on their favourite foods while eating out . Here are some useful tips on eating out I have personally found it very useful and I like to share it with you.

Tip 1:
All you need to do is order a dish that is mainly made up of protein. Ask to subsitute carbohydrates (such as potatoes, rice and pasta) with vegetables instead. Restaurants generally serve them in generous portions, so don't worry about going away hungry.

Tip 2:
Choose your restaurant based on they cuisine they serve. For example, Japanese and Thai cuisines have a wide variety of healthy dishes. 

Tip 3:
Always ask for the dressing for your salad to be on the side. Restaurants tend to pile on creamy dressings such as Ranch and Caesar, which have high fat content. Alternatively, ask for vinaigrette or oil-based dressings instead. 

Tip 4:
Choose dishes without the butter or cream. Never be afraid to ask for your dishes to be cooked to your specific requirements.

Tip 5:
Eat less, but more often. This will keep you from feeling hungry in between meals and snacking or before the big dinner party where you will tend to over indulge on carbo.

However, don't be too strict on yourself, but try to do your best to follow the tips above.  It has worked for me all the time and I have personally found it very useful to be mindful.

Bon Appétit!

Chef Daniel Green is the Author of the International Gourmand - Gourmand World Cookbook Award Winning Cookbook "Modern Dining for Life" published by industry reputable Marshall Cavendish Cuisine 2010. This book is available at all major bookstores. Price at SGD 32.00 (excl gst).

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